
BMI Post 40












"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!"


I have been a member of Post 40 for twenty years and this is my fifth tour as Commander.  The most challenging was my first term when the post was struggling financially to survive.  We did survive, thanks to dozens of volunteers and are now financially stable.  We grew very fast for eleven years, but have declined recently in membership and income.  We need our members' help to change back to progress.


We received a great boost from Congress with the "Legion Act" allowing all veterans who served in the military the opportunity to belong to the American Legion.  Previously, only veterans who served during a conflict were eligible which made no sense, but was mandated by a different Congress one hundred years ago.  If you know someone who was previously denied membership, but has served since December 7, 1941, please invite him or her to join Post 40.


During the early years, our hall was rented most of the time and we wanted to be the Community Center for Henderson.  We had many rentals for shows, births, birthdays, graduations, marriages, retirements and anything in between.  Spread the word to anyone looking for a nice place to celebrate an occasion.  We used to have a lot of competition with the Henderson Convention Center (now gone), the Elks, Masonic Lodge and others, most of which do very little rentals.  We can become the Community meeting location again with losts of word of mouth help from our members and friends. 


There are many reasons to visit our post; we are open every day from early morning to late evening with lots of conversation.  We have breakfast every Sunday, dinners every Friday, pool games and other activities.  All visitors are welcome.


"For God and Country…”

Tom Lynch, Commander

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425 E. Van Wagenen 
Henderson, NV 89015
Tel. 702-565-5433
Fax 702-565-4744
Email: alpost40@embarqmail.com
Web Site: www.post40nv.org
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